One of the most cherished traditions within the Bloomberg Family was the joy of preparing meals for Shabbat and the Holidays. Growing up in a large Sephardic household, the anticipation of these family meals was a highlight of our week. The kitchen was always the heart of our gatherings, offering us a chance to connect with our family and community through the preparation of food.

Now, as adults, we feel a deep responsibility to share this meaningful experience with others. We aspire to provide packages filled with a variety of uncooked, kosher food to families who may not have the means to prepare an adequate Shabbat meal. Unlike other initiatives, we don’t cook the food ourselves—we simply supply the essentials, allowing each family the dignity and joy of crafting their own Shabbat meal. Our goal is to enable families in need to partake in the weekly celebration of Shabbat, preserving the beauty of tradition and community.

We are pleased to announce that His Good Treasure Kosher Food Bank is proudly registered as a charitable organization with the CRA.

Registered Charity Name:
His Good Treasure Foodbank

Registered Charity Number:
74579 3349 RR0001